Richmond, Lorraine - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l’Abitibi

Richmond, Lorraine

RICHMOND, Lorraine

1954 - 2022

Ce lundi 5 septembre 2022, à l’âge de 68 ans, Lorraine “Loulou” Richmond  a quitté ce monde pour rejoindre ses parents feu George Richmond et feu Maggie Pokashish ainsi que ses feu frères et sœur (Anita, Henry et Collin).


Elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants Marc et Manon (Bentley); ses petits-enfants Tania, Brandon, Tyanna, Jared, Bryan, Brady, Rhonda et Randy ainsi que son arrière-petit-fils Zayden; ses sœurs Virginia (feu Jack), Ema, et Liane (Kenneth) et ses frères Lucien et George (Elizabeth); ses nombreux neveux et nièces ainsi que plusieurs ami(e)s et voisins qui l'ont accompagnée dans la joie et l'affection au cours de sa vie.


L’exposition a eu lieu à la coopérative funéraire de l'Abitibi (584 Av. Centrale à Val d’Or). En guise de célébration de sa vie, une petite cérémonie a eu lieu le 8 septembre à 21h


Il y aura un service funéraire le samedi 8 octobre 2022 en l'Église St-Sauveur de Val-d'Or à 10h suivis de l’inhumation au cimetière de Val-d’Or. La famille vous invite à vous habiller en couleur pour la cérémonie. 







This Monday, September 5th, 2022, at the age of 68, Lorraine "Loulou" Richmond left this world to join her late parents George Richmond and Maggie Pokashish, as well as her late siblings Anita, Henry and Collin.


She is survived by her children Marc and Manon (Bentley); her grandchildren Tania, Brandon, Tyanna, Jared, Bryan, Brady, Rhonda and Randy as well as her great-grandson Zayden; her sisters Virginia (late Jack), Ema, and Liane (Kenneth) and brothers Lucien and George (Elizabeth); she also leaves behind her many nephews and nieces as well as several friends and neighbours who accompanied her in joy and affection during her life.



The viewing took place at the Cooperative Funeral Home (584 Av. Centrale in Val d'Or) according to the following schedule:


Wednesday, September 7 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.


Thursday, September 8 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.



As a celebration of her life, a small ceremony took place on September 8th at 9 p.m. during the closing of the casket.


A funeral service will be held at the St-Sauveur Church in Val-d'Or at 10 a.m., the burial will follow at the Val-d'Or Cemetery.  The family invites you to dress colourfully during the celebrations of Lorraine’s life.


5 messages reçus

Éma et la famille.

Toutes nos sympathies Éma nos pensées t accompagnent ainsi qu a ta famille.Jovette et Gaétan.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Jovette Bernier et Gaétan Provencher, le 7 septembre 2022


Dear Loulou
Your wings formed as you took One last breath You reached into the core of your stomach where you had felt twitching of perhaps little cocoons getting ready to hatch as you exhaled your last Souffle we Will surely recognize You in many people places and things most of All in summertime as butterflies dance around and in winter snowflakes will embrace our face and oh yeah when it rains to wear yellow
Kitchi Mik8etc for your Love your brilliance your vibrant colours your Courage your Determination your understanding and your cooking And no matter where you were it was greatly devoured and you did that to with lil’ nichiimesh dish too I recall the time we visited you in Montreal when Burt and you had overate eggs and someone ended up puking ha ha
and There will be lots of these moments in time where you will bring forth from Above memorable moments of laughter that will be shared I know we had our share which I cannot recall right now but I remember sitting at your table and we laughed
Sis Dear Miistii MeegweTch
Madjacin Kisagin xx

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Ammosa , le 9 septembre 2022

Ema et Liane

Toutes mes sympathies pour la perte de votre sœur. Désolée de ne pas avoir été là, je viens juste de voir l'avis. Je vous souhaite du courage pour traverser cette épreuve et je ne suis pas loin en cas de besoin.

Martine Brindamour , le 9 septembre 2022


My sympathies for the loss of your sister.

Jane josov , le 10 septembre 2022

Ema et Liliane

Je tiens a vous faire mes voeux de sympathie les plus sincères.

Christine Dessureault, le 22 septembre 2022

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