6 messages reçus
La famille et amis(es)
À tous les proches de Myriam, je vous souhaite mes plus sincères condoléances
Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Pierre . C, le 18 avril 2024
to family and friends
my deepest sympathies
Nancy McDonald, le 18 avril 2024
Family and Friends
Sending my sincere condolences and prayers to Family and friends of Myriam - may she rest in peace
Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Arlene Lariviere, le 19 avril 2024
Nos sympathies les plus profonde pour toi et ta famille ,,,, nous pensons à toi
Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Val-d'Or Chrysler , le 22 avril 2024
Toute la famille de Myriam
Mes pensées et mes prières pour toute la famille. Myriam a été une collègue de travail et une amie très appréciée. Elle va tous nous manquer.
Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Serge Sevigny, le 9 mai 2024
Margaret, Families & Friends
Dear Mimi, I could not make it to your awake today my thoughts and prayers are sent for Your Beautiful Mom & Sisstar and many attending
Before I left on Thursday, I brought in a gift at the funeral home for someone to cherish .. I’ve had it for months, maybe two years in my home and it was in my car for the last two months
Mesmerized by the knowledge of the Owl, in which, you gave me more insights about i Thank you for that
When I walked out the funeral home, I sat in my car and felt your Peace
Before leaving for Mtl I took few minutes to browse Fb and Wow A Beautiful Owl with its wings spread upwards Popped up, I choked and cried Thanking for the spur of Thee Moment beautiful message
Yes, Angels are for real and watching over us
The next day I admitted myself at the hospital for my op Again, A nurse prepped me for my op sure enuf she had a top with Owls I she tears and she asked me if I was okay I told her yes. The beginning of time, I. had shared this with my little sister about my cado I left .. Two minds think a-like she told me you were nearby Again & again Kichi Mik8etc so much Mimi you thought me shortcuts at work and Our small talks were Tutti fruitti
Kisagin Lil’Owl xx
Ema, le 11 mai 2024